presentment|presentments in English


[pre·sent·ment || prɪ'zentmənt]

submission, act of handing over; presentation, exhibition, act of displaying

Use "presentment|presentments" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "presentment|presentments" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "presentment|presentments", or refer to the context using the word "presentment|presentments" in the English Dictionary.

1. Bill payment and presentment services

2. Assize Darrein Presentment Meaning of Assize Darrein Presentment In this law dictionary, the legal term Assize darrein presentment is a kind of the Legal History …

3. Assizes were of four kinds: Mort d'ancestor Novel Disseisin Darrien Presentment; and Utrum

4. Forest wardens, verderers, regarders, foresters and sworn jurors made presentments before them of offences against vert and venison.

5. Aggregated secured electronic document push-based delivery, presentment and payment system with intelligent scheduling of bill download

6. The Arraignment shall consist of the following: (1) ensuring that the defendant has a copy of the indictment, presentment, or information before called upon to plead; (2) reading the indictment, presentment, or information to the defendant or stating to the defendant the …

7. Admonit/presnt (96-182) 12/30/1996 - Admonition kates, brett krow (bar id: 01111-1987) presentment (94-013) 07/06/1994 - 3 mos

8. If an owner granted to another every second presentment, the Advowson would be appendant for the grantor's turn and in gross for the grantee's

9. Assize of darrien presentment, or last presentation, was a writ directed to the sheriff to summon an Assize or jury to enquire who was the last patron that presented to a church then vacant, of which the plaintiff complained that he was deforced or unlawfully deprived by the defendant.